Nothing like free wifi at an airport where you might be waiting for what feels like a lifetime to get a flight. At Denver, I was suprised to find free WiFi. It connected pretty fast, and then I noticed how they are paying for this. Simple. Through advertising. I know it sounds very 1995, but, for a frequent traveler like me, its a boon. I don't mind the one inch wide banner on the top of the browser as long as I get the job done. Since I travel mostly for business, I can get reimbursed for paid WiFi, but the hassle is too much -- pull out the credit card, enter all the information, wait for it to process, then get access to the internet (sometimes a weak signal, not worth the money), and of course, remembering to expense it a month later when I do my expenses seems hardly worth it. For now, I am blogging from Denver International Airport, and owe it to the colorful banner ad you see in the screenshot. Are you going to ever do this Boston Logan Intl Airport!?
Wow, I won't be flying through Denver any time soon. Might this move be contagious worldwide! Airports have so much room for improvement. So many hours of our life could be much better wasted. Interested in a joint venture in new business idea?
Eventually, I think WiFi in public places is going to become like FM radio. Free as long as you have the right gadget to use it.
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